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Video Surveillance, Access Control Solutions in the Greater Sacramento, Fresno, and Silicon Valley areas.

Protect Your Business With the Right Security Equipment

Surveillance Audio Video was founded in 2021 to address the issues that facilities, IT, security, and operations teams throughout the area have with their physical security equipment. As a veteran-owned and operated company with experience in the surveillance industry, we look to solve problems caused by legacy systems with new cloud-based technology to provide easier access, added convenience, and advanced AI functionality. We work with a wide variety of commercial industries including, apartment complexes, shopping/retail centers, restaurants, warehouse facilities, nonprofits, and much more — anywhere you need real-time surveillance we have a solution. With advanced AI, we create a safer work environment for our clients, employees, and customers. Contact our surveillance specialist today to schedule your free security evaluation and demo.

woman looking at security cameras

Why Businesses Turn to Us for Video Surveillance

As the area’s choice for video surveillance and access control equipment, Surveillance Audio Video is dedicated to ensuring your business is secure by offering intuitive and comprehensive security system design and installation. Our scalable solutions can be customized to fit the size of your company and business. Learn why more companies choose us to protect their business.

security camera

Why More Companies Choose Us to Protect Their Business

  • High-Quality Products – We use innovative, cloud-based security equipment for each project. Our equipment allows you to access your footage from any device whenever and wherever you need it.
  • Industry Experience – Our team has several years experience in designing systems for a wide variety of clients throughout the US.
  • Veteran-Owned and Operated – As a veteran-owned and operated company, you can feel confident that we haven’t overlooked any detail in designing or installing your new security system.
  • 10-Year Product Warranty – Our products offer up to an industry-best 10-year product warranty. If there is an issue with your hardware it gets replaced no questions asked.

Create Your Complete Security System

Surveillance Audio Video can work with you to create a security system that works for your business. Our team has access to high-quality solutions and can provide you with training that allows you to maximize its value. We provide video surveillance, access control, sensors, AV, and POS systems. Meet with our security consultants today to schedule your free product demo.

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